الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2016

UK Turk Playlists (Bicha Gue)

The add-on contains:
  • Live TV
  • Sports
  • Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Cartoons
  • Documentaries
  • Stand-up
  • Concerts
  • Radio
  • CCTV
  • Turkish TV
  • Turkish Movies
  • Fitness
  • Food Porn
  • Favorites and Search feature
Download Kodi from Here

Install UK Turk Playlists Kodi
  • Open Kodi
  • Select SYSTEM > File Manager
  • Select Add Source
  • Select None and Type http://kodi.metalkettle.co/ and select Done
  • Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source, type mk repo and Select OK
  • Go back to your Home Screen
  • Select SYSTEM
  • Select Add-Ons
  • Select Install from zip file
  • Select mk repo
  • Select repository.metalkettle-x.x.x.zip
  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification
  • Select Install from repository or Get Add-Ons on Helix
  • Select MetalKettles Addon Repository
  • Select Video add-ons
  • Select UK Turk Playlists
  • Select Install
  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification
UK Turk Playlists is now installed and can be accessed via VIDEOS > Add-Ons > UK Turk Playlists from your home screen.

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