الأربعاء، 26 أكتوبر 2016

Google Play Music addons

Here is a quick and easy guide to have your Google Play Music account stream through your Kodi device.
If you have a Google Music account then this is a must have add-on.
  • Download the Foreverguest Repo Zip File and save to a location you can easily access from your Kodi device
  • Open Kodi
  • Select SYSTEM
  • Select Add-Ons
  • Select Install from zip file
  • Navigate to where you downloaded the zip in the first step and select repository.foreverguest-x.x.x.zip
  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification
  • Select Install from repository or Get Add-Ons on Helix
  • Select foreverguest Add-ons
  • Select Music add-ons
  • Select Google Music EXP
  • Select Install
  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification
Google Music is now installed and can be accessed via *MUSIC > Add-Ons > * from your home screen. But before you launch it you need to add your Google account details so it can sync your library on the first launch.
  • Go back to your Home Screen
  • Select Music > Add-Ons
  • Highlight - DO NOT SELECT - Google Music EXP
  • Open the Context Menu (C on your keyboard, right click with mouse, menu button on your remote control, long press on touch screen devices)
  • Select Add-On Settings
  • Select General
  • Now add your Google Username & Password. If you have two-step verification enabled then you will need to create an app specific password here https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords
  • Select OK to save your username & password
Now when you launch Google Play Music you will see a message saying your library is being accessed and built. Once done your library will be saved and ready to use.
You can now easily create a link in your main menu to playlists from within your Google Music account.

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