الأحد، 14 أكتوبر 2012

The Absolutely Great Square Pack

The absolutely great square pack has the number one spot on Amazon's best selling video games list. Here's the deal they're offering: 7 games plus a DLC for $9.99, the original list price being $164.68 - about a 94% savings as you save around $154 bucks. Now, normally I don't post about a deal as my reviews are about the games themselves, but this one seems like a steal. And the reason I write these reviews is to help you determine which games you may want and save you some money. Well, I'd be doing you a disservice by not mentioning any deals I come across that are actually worth it. There's a lot of people reading this blog and I thought I should give you all a heads up just in case you aren't aware. This is one of those weekly deals Amazon promotes. So it should end around October 20th.

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