الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2016

Coaches of the Future Programme, by Mike Jones

Mike Jones is the Sports Development Team Leader for Caerphilly Borough Council. In this blog Mike talks about the ‘Coaches of The Future’ programme to develop and support the next generation of sports coaches in Gwent.

The programme is open to all current year 11 students and runs over a two year period for school Years 12 and 13. All secondary schools across Caerphilly County Borough are asked to nominate students they think may be interested in the programme, and to attend a selection day. The process then begins to whittle down the nominees to a maximum of 24 students via a practical and theoretical assessment.

All successful candidates then embark on a week long period of study in August in which they will achieve a level 2 Community Sports Leaders Award alongside First Aid & Child Welfare qualifications and DBS certification. This allows them to coach unsupervised from September onwards at a community club placement.
Throughout the programme the coaches attend monthly development workshops, receive mentoring support and are enrolled on the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Alongside this they also have the opportunity to support Sport Caerphilly and their partners at events to enhance their development.

The programme looks to develop the whole person, not just the coach, and the monthly mentoring support has been particularly successful for the coaches as they manage the transition from 'GCSE' to 'A' levels and their plan for university.

This year sees the start of a new programme that will run alongside Coaches of the Future called the School Sport Coach programme. This is very similar to the Coaches of the Future but coaches will be based in secondary schools to support the 5 x 60 programme. This programme requires slightly less commitment as the workshops will not be compulsory and all coaching will align with their normal school day. The two main benefits are that we will be developing double the number of coaches every year and we will have development programmes that suit everyone’s needs.

To date we have had in excess of 200 coaches that have been through the programme, several of which currently have roles within Sport Caerphilly, and moving forward we will be working with approximately 48 coaches every year.

Quotes from participants:

“Having struggled with my anxiety, the Coach of the Future programme and the support of my mentor has provided me with a community of people who encourage me to gain more self-confidence, and it opens opportunities to me which I wouldn't have put myself forward for beforehand.” Gabby Rees

“I have got loads from the programme, from learning different coaching styles and approaches and most importantly mentoring. I went through a difficult few months with family illness and exams and the support I received from my mentor got me through it all!” Ellie May Jenkins

“Mentoring has been massive for me because I was struggling with how to handle everything like exams, coaching, social life, work etc. but the support I received helped me work out how to manage it all." Beth Richard

“At the start of the year I really struggled with the transition from high school to college and fitting in all the things that I wanted to do. This caused me to get really stressed out and made me ill. My mentor has made a big difference, not just to my coaching but helping me to cope with different demands, plan my time better and making sure I don’t worry about things I can’t control. He even helped me plan how to write an essay properly so I didn’t have to re-write it ten times." Lauren Shankland

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